Saturday, April 24, 2021


 "Every time I planted a seed, he said kill it before it grows" --Bob Marley

Here is your cradle, narrower than a matron's squint.

Worlds have been birthed from less.

Tilt your tarmac cap, child. 

Suckle from stars a foreign milk

distant evanescence 

from saudade milled.

Here is your birth-door, jagged as a shiv,

and your unseen bloom, opening in spite of itself,

a spirit shaken loose, dumb with innocence,

just holy enough to make someone want to kill it.


for Sunday Muse #157.


  1. "Here is your birth-door, jagged as a shiv," Ohhhh... And this: "Here is your cradle, narrower than a matron's squint." Damn, that's good!

  2. A very potent poem, Shay. I just watched the video and not sure who Antony is but he is channeling God in this. You're right, if your light shines too bright darkness will come a-callin.

    1. Formerly Antony and the leader of Antony and the Johnsons, she now goes by Anohni and has won many music awards.

  3. Strong Shay, very evocative and dark truth. Loved the imagery.

  4. Oh my goodness. This is so good it leaves me speechless. Especially loved what qbit quoted.

  5. Oh you have once again put me in awe my friend!! This is powerful and amazing!! I read it out loud and had to read it again not willing to let it go. I too adore the lines Qbit quoted!!

  6. The adroit use of words, of packing each line with as much meaning as it can hold, is highly effective, and the effect on the reader echoes them. I feel shivved,I feel the bitter cold of being marginalized yet blooming in darkness, unseen, or if seen, endangered--deep pain and writing to match, especially the brutal yet almost lyric finish.

  7. ..... your poem feels timeless, the Marley lines sobering. Sadness, futility, anger rolled into one big beautifully created work.

  8. God, makes one want to not be birthed.

    As it should be.

    Well written.

  9. The Marley line sets the mood of this piece, It often feels like the seeds of dreams are destroyed by naysayers before they have a chance to grow. Innocence often turns jaded by life. Sigh.. a powerful write.

  10. Potent poem, Shay.

    "a spirit shaken loose, dumb with innocence,

    just holy enough to make someone want to kill it."


don't be stupid.